Hiring a right SEO firm is a lot like hiring a mechanic for your automobile. A lot of it comes down to trying to understand what hiring an SEO firm should cost. In actual, SEO should not cost anything, as it is an investment that should yield a positive ROI for your business and therefore cost nothing. Asking what SEO costs is just like going to an automobile dealer and asking the dealer, “So, how much for a new car?” then you get a natural response, “It depends on what are your requirements?” He will ask some general questions like what you’re going to use it, how much you’ll drive it and other similar questions to suggest a suitable car for you. In the same way, there are several factors that affect the price of your SEO packages. One-time investment or an ongoing relationship The very first thing to determine what your SEO needs is whether you have a one-time project or you need it for an ongoing relationship. If your needs are temporary then your question is not “How much does SEO cost?”, but rather you should ask “How much will my SEO project cost?” On the other hand, […] read more