Expert travelers say that it is best to travel with a light load of luggage and high on know-how. True globetrotters say that wherever you go the restaurants, hotels, and stores will provide everything you require. Furthermore, if you keep your luggage empty during your trip out you will have plenty of room to store every unique item you’ll discover during your travels. It is not advisable to but keep your mind more than empty, which makes you more susceptible to pirates, hijackers as well as international incidents. If you read a reliable travel advice blog, you can build an expert traveler’s knowledge without going away from home Reisekröten. Rules Regulations, rules, and standards A travel blog will explain the regulations, rules and laws that govern travel to every destination anywhere on the planet. Find out if you require special documents or identification. Do you bring your passport and birth certificate everywhere you travel? Find out if you require evidence of vaccination before entering the country. Should you ensure that you are protected against smallpox, malaria, and other diseases that are rare across Europe as well as North America? What should you do if you get injured on your trips […] read more